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Newborn Care Specialist

Nie Lina MD PC

Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine & USCIS Civil Surgeon located in Brooklyn, NY

Having a baby is exciting, but caring for a newborn can raise lots of questions. Whether you’re a first-time parent or not, finding a pediatrician you trust can help ensure your baby has a strong, healthy start. Nie Lina MD PC specializes in newborn care at the office in the Sunset Park neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. Call or request your first appointment with Lina Nie, MD, Ph.D., online today.

Newborn Care Q & A

What does newborn care include?

Newborn care appointments are comprehensive exams that happen during your baby’s first months of life. At these visits, Dr. Nie tracks your baby’s growth and development, identifies any potential health issues, and helps give your baby a healthy start.

Hyperbilirubinemia, or jaundice, can occur in newborns if too much bilirubin builds up in their blood. It causes yellowed skin and eyes, but Dr. Nie specializes in screening and treating infants for this condition. Rarely, an unusually high blood level of bilirubin can place a newborn at risk of brain damage and even death.

She uses the Philips BiliCheck system, a noninvasive, transcutaneous bilirubinometer, to identify jaundice in babies. The system uses light - not a needle - to measure bilirubin levels with significant accuracy and uses it as a screening test to identify the need for blood sampling for serum bilirubin level.

What happens at newborn care appointments?

Your newborn will have the first office visit within 2 to 5 days after hospital discharge. During the visit, Dr. Nie will check few things including:

  • Discharge summary and vaccine record 
  • Metabolic screening
  • Jaundice check
  • Measuring baby’s length and weight
  • Measuring baby’s head circumference
  • Doing a physical exam
  • Observe feeding issues

After that, Dr. Nie generally recommends newborn care appointments at the following intervals:

  • One month
  • Two months
  • Four months
  • Six months
  • Nine months
  • 12 months

Your newborn visits are a great time to ask any questions you might have about taking care of your baby or adjusting to life as a new parent. Nie Lina MD PC also has same-day appointments available as needed. If your baby is sick, call the office for the next available appointment.

When should I choose a pediatrician for my baby?

If you’re expecting a baby, it’s never too early to choose a pediatrician. Consider scheduling a meet-and-greet appointment with Dr. Nie to learn her approach to pediatric care and ask any questions you may have so you feel comfortable putting your child in her care. 

Choosing a pediatrician before your baby arrives gives you time to make the best decision for your family. You have time to familiarize yourself with Dr. Nie, complete paperwork ahead of time, and learn what to expect once your baby is here.

To meet Dr. Nie or get quality care for your baby, schedule an appointment. Call Nie Lina MD PC, or request an appointment online today.